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50 most recent check-ins
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03:16 | Done debugging Leaf check-in: 8630bf6d6e user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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23:56 | URL's shouldn't have extended code points... but it happens? check-in: 8cc5f8c1d7 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
23:51 | Inform failure text check-in: 81227e3f94 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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20:07 | Another tracker format check-in: 8b42f3aab6 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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22:09 | Tool to archive a podcast Currently limited to 1,000, as I just pull a full list from check-in: 1c4daeca74 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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19:33 | Provide access to the RSS URL to help with other RSS readers check-in: 921690b7cc user: vandys tags: trunk | |
19:13 | Glitched moving between screens check-in: 56a98fd3be user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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23:43 | Unwrap trackers using regular expressions, it gives us more flexibility check-in: ed17805e6a user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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14:48 | Provide link to playing episode's media check-in: bdc6eeae37 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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01:27 | Show progress confirmation while loading nested feed check-in: d0d3b63232 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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22:43 | Add link to podcast (and episode, if playing) in the menu. Hide, of course, if there isn't one currently. check-in: cd5a19a145 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
22:15 | Reorg loading of profile/bookmarks. Refactor display startup. Add URL API's to directly view a podcast or episode check-in: 0f44219b3e user: vandys tags: trunk | |
22:14 | Defend against missing title check-in: 229a8c18ea user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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00:42 | Bringup, direct URL access to episode or feed check-in: 2333181d73 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
00:41 | Unused import. Include feedid in returned value (I know, you knew it to ask, but it streamlines the code) check-in: 96118aee8c user: vandys tags: trunk | |
00:41 | Permit callback after sync'ing profile check-in: c3aea746cc user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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21:11 | Fix regression, subscribing to new podcast check-in: 9b5565f9a4 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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21:18 | Display a little message to cover delay until the first page of podcasts comes in. check-in: e0d50c60be user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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03:25 | Factor most bookmark hair into its own class. Hook when starting bookmark view, refresh bookmarks so we see podcasts w. most recent episodes, even if the order has changed since we started this browser tab. check-in: 7b77f51951 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
02:47 | Add a bookmarks-only query mode to the profile API check-in: bf414762de user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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14:27 | Support chapters for non-subscribed episodes check-in: fdb141b4fa user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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02:21 | Need to clear "switched away" flag when we start playing new content. check-in: d52ce0a4c0 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
02:06 | Pick some cursor shapes for our icons check-in: 46378d4b16 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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19:29 | Ignore my little historical dumping ground check-in: fc96fb8059 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
19:16 | More un-shifting now that we don't have to dance around a splash check-in: cec2f057ad user: vandys tags: trunk | |
19:16 | Defend against NULL value check-in: c7fb74367e user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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23:20 | Don't have the div showing podcast/episode names display (and take up space due to its whitespace even when empty) until there's a podcast running. check-in: c5f78875e1 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
21:10 | Drop some old, unneeded positioning fluff check-in: 7833e08d8f user: vandys tags: trunk | |
03:51 | Randomize start delay. Catch head/get net failure, continue scan after 30 sec pause check-in: c209349bf8 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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15:36 | Was assuming guid is a quality value. Not the case. So shift all code to only assume (feedid,guid) is unique. check-in: e077addc5e user: vandys tags: trunk | |
04:20 | If we browse away from a feed while an episode from it is playing, then browse back, link up the playing element with the UI. Drop a couple stale instance fields which were set but not used. check-in: b5812b4324 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
03:53 | Tighten up treatment of chapters, especially streamline the very common case of there not being chapters metadata available. check-in: 5ae5245950 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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03:41 | Tiny screens min-content blew up the icon too much; cap it. check-in: 2784c3e7fd user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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20:12 | Don't filter when you're looking at your own bookmarked podcasts check-in: 0d22734e63 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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00:22 | Distinct button look for paused track. Line up "stop" with styling of other track icons. check-in: cb5c7723e1 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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04:15 | Drop the splash, tidy up the display of episode playing vs. show which is being browsed. check-in: 173fb24062 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
04:07 | Clear label when episode ends check-in: 461f32631e user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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01:41 | Don't lose img (probably from podcastindex) if we don't see it in our own scan check-in: c9d7e74515 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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04:05 | (Not an actual commit, but I did it at this point: re-ran a scan to bring in all known Feed image URL's.) Clear feed description and graphic as we unnest out of it. check-in: 8f55ca9ee4 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
03:42 | Let us ping a single feed manually. Hand user-agent to actual GET as well as initial HEAD (duh). check-in: b51fe2ada1 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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13:54 | Don't load chapters until actually playing. Refactor so local DB has access. For now, only things in local DB can pull chapters. Make GUID available so you can reference specific episodes. check-in: fcc3e9727a user: vandys tags: trunk | |
04:01 | Refactor unwrapping of trackers, share w. new local DB result generation check-in: d75c1b555a user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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02:49 | Get rid of the big show description after you start playing episodes. check-in: 6b3e2408eb user: vandys tags: trunk | |
02:49 | Deal with some character encoding nags. Ignore malformed feed entry w. no published date. check-in: efb4fbb17e user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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04:42 | Line up a couple fields out of our local DB check-in: b56414456a user: vandys tags: trunk | |
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22:32 | Include show name, easier to debug/check check-in: bf9fa55f11 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
22:32 | Fix unsubscribing check-in: 5a13f814ec user: vandys tags: trunk | |
19:51 | More display tidying and fixing breakages check-in: 53f56010d9 user: vandys tags: trunk | |
18:53 | More fields to intern to local DB. Use local DB as much as possible. check-in: 1a99b6babb user: vandys tags: trunk | |
15:24 | Tighten up when/how we update the DB, when to skip feed processing. Change how we order bookmarks to reliably order by newest item in feed. check-in: 0ff53ba930 user: vandys tags: trunk | |