This is AWBfL ("Andy's Webkit Browser for Linux"), a GTK3 and Webkit2 based browser written in Vala
AWBfL is pronounced "awbful", rhymes with "awful". I'm not a marketing person.
It is a fork from the original Midori project at github
Various old PR's have been integrated, some buggy tab history repaired, and it doesn't always switch to the first tab on any tab close.
In progress features: username/password saving and sync.
Join the fun! The dev is on the Fediverse. We'll use chat/forum/wiki here on this site unless they have some fatal flaw.
Become a contributor; reach out via the Fediverse (Mastodon etc.) or use my Contact Form
Until I can find the original dev, I'll try and put up a basic home at: AWBfL Home Page
Speaking of the original dev--if Christian Dywan reads this, we'd love to talk with you! Please get in touch.