Exchanging files

From: Antonio Maschio <tbin_at_nospam.org>
Date: Wed Apr 06 2005 - 07:44:21 PDT

Hi everybody (and especially you, Andy),

How can someone exchange some source block file with someone else?
I mean: suppose I write an interesting program and I want to share it,
how can some other ForthOS user put it into his system?

A solution I could think of is making use of dd under Linux/Unix, but
a problem arise: I should know **exactly** the address where either put
the data or from where retrieve the data, to avoid, in the first case,
rewriting over existing data, and so I'd need a fast way to calculate
the free space into ForthOS, I mean a way to obtain a series of
contiguous block marked as free, along with an offset to them for dd.

Not to mention the fact that I may have a "file" under Linux, to
transfer as "block" under ForthOS, or a "block with shadows" under
ForthOS that I may want as "file" under another OS, and of course some
programs to convert from one format to another.
I adapted the Albert van der Horst files (he's the maintainer of
ciforth), files that operate on a classic 64x16 screen, to be used under
ForthOS 80x25 screen with shadows, and I allege them (they are not
completely tested, though). Do you find them useful?

Of course, there may be other solutions, easier and maybe already built
into the source, but I couldn't take the time to read ALL that jazz.

Any other suggestion?

Antonio Maschio

/* $Id: toblock.c,v 4.1 2002/10/17 13:44:31 albert Exp $ */
/* Copyright(2000): Albert van der Horst, HCC FIG Holland by GNU Public License */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define CPL 4096
#define LINE 80
int line = 0;
char *progname;

void error(char *message)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error in program %s\n"
        " at input line %d\n"
        " %s\n", progname, line, message);

int main( int argc , char **argv )
    int count = 0;
    int i;
     /* One extra for the '\n', one for the '\000', and one to detect
      * oversized lines */
    char buffer[CPL+3];
    int ch, part;

        part = 0;
    progname = argv[0];

    while(NULL != fgets(buffer, CPL+3, stdin))
        count = strlen(buffer);
        if ( CPL < count ) error("line too long");
        buffer[--count] = '\000'; /* Remove '\n' */
        for(i=0; i<(((int)(count/LINE))+1)*LINE-1; i++)
            putchar(i<count?buffer[i]:' ');
                part += LINE;
                /* first block */
        if(part == 2000){
                        //part = 0;
                /* shadow block + blocl control data */
                else if (part == 4000) {
                        int q;
                        part = 0;
                        /* put fake block control data */
                        for (q = 0; q < 96; q++)
                                putchar(' ');
                else putchar(i+1<count?buffer[i+1]:' ');
    return 0;

/* $Id: fromblock.c,v 4.1 2002/10/17 13:44:04 albert Exp $ */
/* Copyright(2000): Albert van der Horst, HCC FIG Holland by GNU Public License
   Copyright(2005): Antonio Maschio, ForthOS adapted by GNU Public License */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

/* Tabs are not printable, I think. ALbert */
#define isrealprint(a) (isprint(a) && 9 != a )
#define LINE 80

main(char **argv, int argc)
    int count = 0;
    int ch, part;
        static int q = 0;

        part = 0;
    while(EOF !=(ch=getchar())) {
        char buffer[LINE];
                char bufferT[96];

                /* escape block control bytes */
                if (part == 4000-LINE) {
                        if (q == 96) {
                                part = 0;
                                q = 0;
                /* put block data */
                else buffer[count++] = isrealprint(ch)?ch:' ';
        if ( LINE == count) {
                        part += count;
            int i;
                        if(buffer[count-1] = '\n') count--;
            do {
                                count -= 1;
                        } while( ' ' == buffer[count-1] );
            for(i=0; i<count; i++) putchar(buffer[i]);
            count = 0;
    return 0;
Received on Wed, 06 Apr 2005 16:44:21 +0200

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